Gainesville College Disciplinary Hearings

When a student is accused of a criminal offense or violation of the student code of conduct, officials at the college or university can initiate a student disciplinary proceeding. In many ways, the outcome of the college disciplinary hearing is just as important as the outcome in the criminal case. When the student has been arrested or is subject to a criminal investigation, the student should hire a criminal defense attorney for both the criminal side of the case as well as the disciplinary hearing.

Gainesville College Student Disciplinary Hearing Attorney

Students facing an impending disciplinary hearing are undoubtedly concerned about the future of their academic career. An experienced Gainesville defense attorney at the Galigani Law Firm can combat the charges you face and set your mind at ease. Our attorneys have represented students at The University of Florida (UF) and other local institutions of higher learning in both the criminal side and disciplinary hearing aspects of their case.

Call (352) 375-0812 or send an online message today for a free, confidential consultation to discuss the facts of the case, defenses to the criminal accusation, and ways to protect yourself during any college disciplinary proceeding.

Please note that disciplinary action by your Florida college or university does not preclude the possibility of criminal charges being filed or prosecuted against a student or employee in Court. Likewise, the fact that criminal charges are filed against the student does not preclude the college officials from taking other actions against the student.

Student Disciplinary Proceeding Information Center

Common Offenses Causing a Student Disciplinary Proceeding

The most common offenses that lead to a disciplinary proceeding at The University of Florida or other colleges include:

An arrest or investigation can spark the disciplinary proceeding even if the incident occurred off campus.

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Northern Florida Colleges and Universities

There are no standardized punishments given by colleges during disciplinary hearings. This is in part because the college’s Student Code of Conduct is created by the individual institution and revised accordingly. Colleges across Florida may choose to punish students as mildly or severely as mandated by the Code of Conduct and any student discipline committee.

The Galigani Law Firm primarily serves students at the University of Florida located in North Florida.

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University of Florida Student Disciplinary Hearings

If you are a University of Florida student and have been charged with a crime or are being investigated by law enforcement or the university, you may be understandably worried about the consequences. You may be suspended or even expelled. Your graduation may be postponed. You may be forced to withdraw and repeat an entire semester or possibly a year of required courses. At the least, a hold may be placed on your registration and transcripts.

The University of Florida requires that most criminal incidents involving students be immediately reported to Student Judicial Affairs (SJA). SJA then investigates the incident and decides whether the student is formally charged through its administrative process. If you receive an allegation or charge letter, do not ignore this document. Ignoring the situation will NOT make it go away. You must act immediately to preserve your rights and protect your academic standing.

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Graduate Students at UF Subject to a Disciplinary Hearing

The impact of a criminal accusation can be particularly harmful to graduate students who have devoted significant time and energy pursuing their chosen profession. Call our office today to speak with an attorney about how the accusation might impact your education and how to fight the charges. Students interested in the health care profession, education, the law, the military or law enforcement may be particular affected, including graduate students in the following colleges:

  • UF College of Education
  • UF Fredric G. Levin College of Law
  • UF College of Medicine
  • UF College of Dentistry
  • UF College of Pharmacy
  • UF College of Nursing
  • UF College of Public Health and Health Professions
  • UF College of Veterinary Medicine

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Sanctions Against the Student

The final determination will either find the student “responsible” or “not responsible” for the alleged violation. Your attorney will fight for the “not responsible” finding. If the student is found to be “responsible” for the alleged violation, then the college or university can impose any number of sanctions or punishments including a reprimand, probation, removal from athletic and academic teams, suspension or expulsion.

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Role of the Attorney at a Student Disciplinary Hearing

A student is always allowed to retain an attorney to act as an “advisor” during a college disciplinary hearing. An attorney can be a great asset in achieving a positive outcome. The attorney can assist the student in preparing a witness list, preparing questions for those witnesses, and presenting favorable evidence or evidence in mitigation. The attorney can help the student prepare a statement and respond to questions at the hearing. Additionally, the attorney can also help the student understand the rules and procedures used during the disciplinary hearings.

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Additional Resources on Student Disciplinary Hearings

The Parent’s Guide to Disciplinary Actions at the University of Florida in Gainesville – Read a parent’s guide to disciplinary hearings prepared by the Dean of Students Office at the University of Florida.

Student and Employee Relations from UF Human Resource Services – This article discusses disciplinary actions by The University of Florida that are related to criminal charges against a student or employee of the university.

Code of Conduct – This Code of Conduct by Saint Leo University explains various offenses and punishments that may lead to student disciplinary hearings. Sanctions given by Saint Leo University may include community service, academic probation, parental notification, counseling, and other more serious consequences such as expulsion.

Santa Fe College Police Department – The Santa Fe College Police Department maintains centers in each of the college’s campuses, including Davis Center, Kirkpatrick Center, Northwest Campus, and Perry Center. The campus police department is responsible for maintaining the peace and promoting the safety of students and staff. The SFC police department may also work in conjunction with the local city police department to address larger safety issues.

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Galigani Law Firm | Gainesville Student Disciplinary Proceeding Lawyer

The attorneys with Galigani Law Firm will help you navigate through the administrative maze of petitions, student judicial hearings, conduct probation, written statements, and possible defenses, explanations or mitigation. We will thoroughly prepare you to zealously fight to keep your academic standing. We will go with you to your SJA hearing.

We are University of Florida graduates. We know the system. We understand that in addition to wanting to avoid a criminal record, your education is very much at stake.

You owe it to yourself to allow us to analyze your case and clarify both the university’s hearing process and the court system. We will explain your options and recommend the most favorable course of action. Please contact our office at (352) 375-0812 for a free, confidential consultation where we will discuss your unique circumstances and how to protect your academic future.